Sunday, January 30, 2005


Here's a fantasy piece:


I ache for his heart, soul, persona, voice, presence, self-knowledge
He needs no one, yet is a man of faith and loyal to those who are loyal to him
He cares that he gives 100% always, and cares that his gift is acknowledged
He cares for his body, his family and his homeland
He is a philosopher and music is his religion
He has sacrificed for his goals and dreams, but did not sacrifice education
He cares for his own needs but allows others to share his space, time and view
Independent of thought and deed, he follows no lead but his own
I am oh, so 40 and a wifemotherprofessional; I belong to others
He is new in years but bears the wisdom of the ages; He belongs to the world
I want to be a part of the vortex that is his space, but I can’t/won’t/shouldn’t push, as to force a connection could be lethal
Daily my head performs the requisite duties, yet my aura searches for his and the thought of touching makes me moan aloud in public places.

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Naughty Bits

We all have them, right? Both literally and figuratively. My friends and I plan to share our figurative bits here as the literal ones have suffered from childbirth and gravity (at least mine have!). Still, the fantasy "me" is still stacked like a brick shit house and ready to show everybody a thing or two - Pamela Anderson dipped in chocolate! Somewhere deep within each of us there is a shockingly erotic story to tell. Ladies, let the honey drip here!

No judgment, no shame..just a lusty good time!